Healthy Breakfast Recipes in Nigeria

Breakfast simply means to break your fast(you have literally kept your body in fasting mode all

through the night)

It's an important meal and it's supposed to be the first meal of the day.

Start your day feeling energetic and strong with a good meal for breakfast.

This is another healthy breakfast recipe I follow, oat with nuts, fruits and milk. It's truly filling

,that's because oat contains fibers and when you take fibers and drink water regularly, you will

have good bowel movement.

Don't forget to throw in some fruits. Apples are my favourite and they are readily available in


Stack in some nuts to give you that protein boost and nutty flavour but go gentle with the nuts, a

handful will be okay.

You can stick to just peanuts, or miss it up with cashew nuts and walnuts. It has to be what you

enjoy, remember!

Almond milk,soy milk, whole  milk, are all okay depending on your preference. I stick with whole

milk and I gave my reasons in the previous blog post.

Enjoy your day!



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